A US platoon advances to clear a ville held by hidden NVA/VC forces.
Tonight's game brought to us by Leo, the Thai beer.
An NVA light MG opens up and gets targeted for off board mortar strike.
They survive the mortars, use the NVA ability to scoot off board and come back on the next turn.
A light MG opens up from a hut.
hot. NvA team gets targeted by mortars and slowly gets whittled away.
On US right flank a fireteam takes a casualty and hunkers down behind a hill.
ACAV targets a VC squad in the bush.
.50 call tears up the VC team.
VC .30 call opens up from a hut.
.30 call view down the main road.
US squad slowly pushes across stream. Taking a lot of pinning fire and losing one man to a spider hole ambush.
US command team calls in mortars throughout the game.
M113 opens up on the huts.
M60 team covers the attack.
M60 fires on the huts.
High water mark, US team makes it to the elephant grass, far short of any objectives.
28mm game, home rules, Cigar Box battle mat, MBA huts, Corgi vehicles, figures from TAG, Empress, Battle Honors and West Wind.