Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Gurps: Battle at Shield 10
Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Gurps: Jiro and the temple of Hecate
Greetings Jirro,
- Talk or just listen to the Free men of the Local Taverns
- Scale the wall in a secluded spot
- Use the High City Wall, which is on a 100 foot cliff and covers the back third of the Temple compound, as a perch to observe inside or even infiltrate
- Locate a sewer and an attempt entrance through that
- Monitor the temple for comings and goings
- Something of entirely your own design :)
Gurps game from July/August
To his excellence, the esteemed Burhy Al Quatma,
Cousin, I am writing to inform you that I arrived safely at the Estate of the Hir Stone in good time. They were most appreciative of your gifts. The fine spices, of which I used only a small amount on the journey here to make my meals palatable- which I am sure is what you intended, were unlike anything they had ever experienced. The silver was untouched and I assume will be greatly welcome as the house is small, crowded, and not well provided with comforts.
I must relate the strange customs of this new land. My first evening in the House of Ama was very eventful. The first person I encountered was their Doorman, an Easterner named Jiro. Since I am well educated in his language, we became fast friends. Thanks to your letter of introduction, I was immediately granted an audience with the Masters of the house.
The Lady Ama and her witch Morgan heard my tale of toiling in the Golem’s workshop in a fugue state for some years until they banished the Djinn and paved the way to my freedom. They instantly recognized the usefulness of my talents and accepted my offer of servitude to House Stone as repayment for my life-debt.
I seemed to have arrived just prior to some social event. A gentleman caller of Lady Ama named Slynt arrived for dinner accompanied by some holy warriors of the dead god Arken.
Exhausted by my travel, I retired to my quarters, which were shared and spartan but acceptable in warmth and dryness, which seems in short supply in these lands. No sooner had I relaxed and been served a bowl of soup, when Jiro appeared, told me my soup was poisoned, and rushed off. I found this a peculiar way to treat a guest and left my quarters to investigate (and find some un-poisoned fare). In the entrance hall, the guards of the Holy Warrior were in various states of incapacitation from ingesting the poison soup. I could hear some heated discussion in the dining hall, but did not understand the language.
Again Jiro appeared, succinctly stated: “We’re under attack. I am going to flank them.” And disappeared again, which is his custom.
The attackers had the same idea, for the door Jiro headed for opened and a Wild Elf and Lizardman tried to sneak in. The Lizardman held a jar with some thumb sized creature, which seemed nefarious to me, so I let loose a flash of light that blinded him. Jiro appeared again from the shadows and entangled the lizard in a chain in a most thorough manner. He then proceeded to apply the “Death of a thousand cuts” which broke the lizardman’s spirit and he surrendered.
Not sure what danger the thumb beast was, I apportated it in a rug across the street and deposited it safely behind the wall of an estate across the street.
The fighting in the dining room resolved around the same time. None of our side had been significantly harmed, and several captives were taken. I don’t completely understand what went on but it seems to be some sort of labor dispute led by one of Lady Ama’s household staff named Saga. This kind of rebellion by servants is incomprehensible in our culture. Curiously, they did not summarily execute the offenders. I can only assume they are saving them for some long term torture.
The excitement ended, I was finally able to obtain some untainted victuals while the prisoners were interrogated. The lizard-beast revealed that one of the Hirs of Cove, the Magistrate, would be assassinated this very night by a third party.
It was decided to warn the Magistrate of this after some discussion. Although there was apparently some trust issues with the magistrate, Lady Ama decided that having the information and not warning him would make her complicit. This is all well and good, for Noblemen should not be murdered in their beds like dogs. Such actions lead to chaos and anarchy. If the time comes for us to challenge this noble, we will do so on the field of honor.
Jiro ran the letter across the street and delivered it the Magistrate’s estate. Despite his emphasis on the urgency of this being about life and death, it turns out later the warning went unheeded. But I get ahead of the story…
On the way back to House Stone Jiro was delivered a note by Raven. The writer demanded the return of the Elven and Lizard prisoners and stipulated a meeting by one person at the Golden Mule within the hour.
Aware this could be a trap, or a ruse to empty the house of defenders, I volunteered to be the negotiator, as I had no value as a hostage to the enemy. Morgan and Jiro shadowed me there. There was a minor event outside the Golden Mule- a young noble was being accosted by a band of commoners. He was forced to kill one and then they dispersed. He then vomited and collapsed, apparently too much drink. This was no state to leave a gentleman in, so I brought him inside and had him taken to a room to sleep it off. I paid out of his own pocket, not wanting to embarrass him by making him beholding to a stranger in any fashion.
Inside I made contact with the leader of the Elven attackers, a dark haired woman calling herself Lethold or some such. I told her that her manners were atrocious and her negotiating skills abysmal. We held the advantage, so we dictated the terms. It was she that may send one person to negotiate with us at a place and time of our choosing and convenience. But preferably tomorrow after 9th candle as we had some previous commitments this evening. With that I left.
On return to the Manse, Lady Ama had decided the group would go to the bathhouse to intercept the attack on the Magistrate. Do these people ever sleep? So there would be no rest for poor Rajun this night.
Lady Ama, her two witches Morgan and Nicole, a leader of the Arken Knights Sidilicious, their manservant Jiro and I went off to the bath house. Jiro spied a getaway boat outside, indicating the assassins were already inside. We went in and found the Magistrate in the main hot bath. The keen eyed Knight spotted some disturbance in the water. Jiro had gone in ahead and found a woman playing a queer silent pipe. He managed to grapple her arms with his chain weapon but the pipe fell and shattered on the stone floor. This left the tool of their assassination attempt, a greater water elemental, suddenly out of control. It rose from the pool, angry and lashing jets of high speed water in all directions.
Jiro and I grabbed the sorceress and attempted to escape with her, but a blast of water narrowly missed us as we dodged aside. The bound woman was not so fortunate and tossed against a column which snapped her neck. If I was not such a gentleman I would perhaps find amusement that the assassin was instead killed by her own creation. I am not so callous a beast, however, and there was a pang of sadness as I watched her crumpled body slide doll-like to the floor.
The witch Nicole was blasted with a water fist so strong it pushed her into the stone wall. I feared her dead, although later it was revealed she survived through her magics.
Morgan was a safe distance away and started to prepare the Banishment spell. Jiro rushed the Holy Symbol of the assassin to her, hoping it might help.
The Arken knight used his “Shining wood” on the elemental but it seemed to have no effect. The magistrate sobered up enough to participate in his own defense and threw a huge fireball at the beast but this only brought a mere second of relief as it receded into the water to heal.
I was tempted to flee, as I had no offense or defense against such a creature, but I remembered my duty to the Lady Ama, who had shown no fear when she descended into the Djinn’s lair to save me. Indeed this small woman had run to the magistrate’s side, alone among all these heroes, in attempt to pull him out of the pool. Using my enchantments, I jumped to her side and advised her I would get her away from the danger.
It was not an instant too soon, as the refortified Elemental, enraged at the magistrate’s attack (as if the beast could be made even more angry or deadly) turned into a tidal wave to pound down on the magistrate’s position. I leapt to safety with Lady Ama but the wave crashed into the Magistrate and Sir Sedulicious and I feared they were both dead.
There was no time to waste, however. I heard the plea from Morgan- she needed more Mana to banish the beast. Once more I leapt to her side and formed a link with her. “I am at your disposal, Madam”.
The witch Morgan was very skilled, yet it still took every bit of her energy and will to return the beast to the water plane.
The encounter was over. By miracles, the Magistrate and the knight survived.
One member of the assassin team survived and after a brief chase through the sewers was brought to heel and interrogated.
The assassins were apparently not hired swords but political agents of Philipi? I admit that current events are not my strong suit, so I left it to others to unravel the intrigue while I finally claimed my well earned rest. It had been I first day of no small energy expenditure, I tell you, my cousin.
Rajul Hadidum
GURPS: Cove Crusade, before the Seige at Shield 10
Sir Sedelicious and Lord Beaumont sits with the newly installed Lady Lucratia of Bira-Boro, Barones of
the Island of Zlodor, in the Kingdom of Damilon. Said to have been rescued by
Sir Sedelicious and other Paladins of the south from a Lich's Temple Tomb, she is the last wife of BlueBeard and the inheritor of his client kingdom under the White Cloaks. Bluebeard's greed has given her a vast inheritance, on so large that her rescues fear that she lacks forces to defend her realm. Most of the former guardians are dead, and those that survived were men of dubious virtue, so it is the expeditionary force from Ragadorn, the Company of the Rose, and a Templar Company that defend the rich, but little kingdom. Father Vonegurt of the Templar has traveled north to see if the conflict between the Sienfest and the White Cloaks might be coming to some sort of cease fire, as there is an envoy from the Archbishop Urban the 2nd, the unrecognized partriarch of the Manichen
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
A3 we go
Gurps adventure based on this:
After swearing an oath to let Urban lead the negotiations, they left the docks and slums and headed into the Slave City proper to meet with the slave lords in their Arena.
The slave lords awaiting them were a large warrior, an Arken priest, a mage, and 2 Moorish types.
Negotiations were to be short , as the warrior, Francis, insulted Ama, claimed he would sell her as a slave and kill her companions. A bomb exploded on Sullas ship..
The inevitable "sequence " resulted.
Cole charged forward summoning "ancestral rage" and almost cut Francis head off.
The rest of the party was caught in a Glue trap, assailed by a "mass mind trap", peppered by goblin poison gas and muskets. Jiro was shot in the back by poison darts and killed.
Ogre Magi used cones of cold that brought Ama and Morgan to the edge of death.. things looked Grim, and then,, all were back at the docks with Urban, taking the oath.
Forewarned, the group thwarted the bombing of Sullas ship. The party did not enter the city. Sull seemed determined to go to the Slave market, and suspected ensorcelment, Raj accompanied him, and convinced him his "duty" was completed and they returned to the ship.
A decision was faced to "fight or flight" and the later was chosen.
Sulla set off to Philippi. Urban to Sienfest. The Sea Ghost evaded two Caravelle that seemed to be seeking Ama.
Doubling back to the Slave hold, Morgan kept Ama scryguarded while Jiro snuck into the city to make contact with rebel sympathizers. The half Krall innkeeper gave info on the slavery, island and Amas people.
Next Cole, Raj and Jiro went to the Dragons Temple and talked to the wretched Tender. It revealed the island used to belong to a Dragon, but it is kept at bay by its child being held hostage by the Slave Lords. The Dragon baby was held somewhere in the heavily trapped sewers, vestiges of an ancient city below (including wind tunnels)
Jiro learned that one of the Slave Lords frequently used a brothel and supposed he might "spectate" on people in the sewers like some kind of Squid Game.
The trio went to the brothel, and while Cole sacrificed his virtue to the Madame as a distraction, jiro and Raj searched Tariqs room.
Although no sewer entry was found, a viewing device was recovered.
It revealed several areas of the sewer, including the dragons prison.
A long sewer pass out to Drachon Keep was found.
A suitable landing beach for the Sea Ghost was located nearby.
The work has been cut out for next time.
Sunday, November 21, 2021
Gurps: Bust a Deal- Face the Wheel and The Princess Bride
Lars Boheme may have set Tatiana Mendhik up for kidnapping unwittingly, but the forces that kidnapped her, were not without whit, and while the effort to save her has not paid off as of yet. The generous offers of tens of thousands of silver offered to various Crusaders to the House of Stone, have yet to produce either the Princess Tatiana, nor her kidnappers.
Barely able to kill the Death Deathclaw, they convinced the giant he could save it if he acted quickly.
The open market of the Underdark.
A switch is proposed with the Goblin mistress of the Goblin Demon Lord.
Bodies are swapped with Princess Tatiana.
Tatiana is brought to the mud people and re- designed into her old body. The Feathered Serpent folk get their Dragon Egg back.
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Saturday, October 23, 2021
Some more pix of 21HomeCon
Codsworth and Dog vs a mutant hound
Dan F's squad disembark from Huey in a Vietnam game
Under the watchful eyes of NVA
Dan R's squad runs head on into NVA rushing to the LZ
Serpent Men courtesy of Howard
The Wight Democratos proves unhelpful
The Locust Demon
The party attempts to seal it back in
More Tlingits
The last battle in Egyptostan.
Colonial auxiliaries defend the fort
Tribesmen mass and attack
Lancers countercharge the tribals
Tribals blow the gate up (and several of themselves)
Part 1: Friendly Fire In the port of Cove, two of the Lords (Hir Herman and Frederick) are throwing a large festival outside the Cathedr...
It started off as a joke about overcomplicated Napoleonic rules, but being from the Star Wars generation, when I hear "Empire", I...
Working on some James Bond rules with Mr Whitehouse. The evil villain Mr. Greysuit has kidnapped a scientist and his daughter to force him...