Friday, April 6, 2018

Let's do the Time Warp again!

Revisiting the same French town as last week, but some 50 years in the past.
A game of Howard's in development rules "A Gentleman's War" between the French and Germans sometime in the twilight of the 1800s.
I was the French, defending a bridge and town from Germanic humor.
On the left flank, Dan's Prussians were making slow progress fording the river, so I sent my Zouaves up to make it harder.  (They were so f***ing zouave!)

On the right flank, Howard's Germanic horde crosses a foot bridge.  My spotted horses threw themselves at them in an attempt to stem the tide, with predictable "outnumbered cavalry vs. formed infantry" results.

Zouaves advance against the Germans on the left flank, trying to keep them in the river.

The right flank is overrun.
My cavalry on the left charged down Dan's riflemen, but were in turn charged by Dan's cavalry.
A dramatic and equal melee ensued midriver, but Dan bested me and with my fleeing General went the morale of the left flank.
We'll get you next time, Huns! And the time after that....
Howard supplied the figures, I supplied the terrain, and Dan supplied the appropriate beverages.
Bonus content:

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10mm Marlborough man

 Testing out Howard's new game for 1700s Era. Grid based.  10mm figures.